My interpretation of the "tarry scant" line that I like best is:
Gaze at* starry circle** with wonder***
*but= at(L.)
**cant = circle(W.).
***marvel = portentum = wonder(L.)
The "starry circle" I went on to interpret as referring to the Milky Way. This interpretation seemed to fit in with the pics of the starry sky in TTOTC and cover of OUAW.
From this the first few words of the following line became:
Just take the chest...-> just find* the arrow*
*take = cael(W.) = find
**chest= chets(Heb.) = arrow
The "arrow" in this interpretation was a reference to the constellation of Sagitta. This constellation is situated in the Milky Way.
Depsite much effort at the time I was unable to fit these interpretations into my overarching scheme of things.
I have subsequently found a way of doing so.
Latin authors of classical times and since knew it as Canna, Calamus, and Harundo...,
One of many interesting things about this line of thinking is that "Harundo" is another name given for the constellation of Sagitta. The reason that I find this interesting is that another of the meanings of "harundo" in Latin is "fishing rod".
The combination of "fishing rod" and "starry sky" immediately suggests the front cover of OUAW.
Another interesting thing about the constellation Sagitta is it's association with "Tiger".