nkown thanks for showing what a carillon is, your place actually is capped with the star Polaris. A lot makes sense but is it too urban?
The USAFA is not urban.... it's in Colorado Springs. It's a beautiful mountain setting... Stanley Canyon is there (Stanley Marcus) at 7,500 ft of elevation (the cost of that painting in that SB), right at the end of 411 Drive (information please SB).
If you open it up on Google Maps every name should jump out at you... not one or two, dozens... if you've read the Q&A's on this site, SB's, etc.
Remember that comment about WWIII destroying the treasure site? I doubt Yellowstone is a target of ICBM's. I'm 100% sure the USAFA is. Odd comment right?
Google the USAFA Cornerstone + Waymarking and you'll see that President Kennedy gave a talk there that was released by JBB Enterprises... (Joe Billy Bob). That Esmerelda is the name of Dal's car on HoD, and of course she was Quasimodo's friend and he guarded a bell tower. She, btw, was a gypsy. The bell tower plays music. Gypsy music.
Remember when Skippy blows himself up because he 'discharged' some fireworks and he said a lot in those 515 words? Form 515 is the 'discharge' papers from the USAFA hospital.
Ursa Major is the big bear (bears all over the SB's). Ursa Minor is the little bear. Polaris is the north star around which everything turns. The carillon is positioned in such a way that on the fall solstice (which is intentionally mis-dated in a scrapbook) the shadow lines up perfectly east to west... only on that date. I figured that out using an app called the Photographers Ephemerus... and I found that app? In a comment on HoD from an account that knew a bit too much.
This carillon is a bell tower... Fenn mentions bells and bell towers throughout... but never the word Carillon. Never the state of Colorado. But he does mention that a certain college in Colorado should have given him an honorary degree. The USAFA is a college.
Once anyone starts looking at names you'll see that they are all right there... I've been reluctant to share this for quite a long time as I then turned to deciphering the poem with these places in mind. I have many thoughts on how to do this... mirrored, skip-pi, phonically, solfege. But I have yet to see any other place with exact word and name references:
• Doolittle (hall)
• Amelia Erhardt (statue)
• Falcon -- stadium and trail (not a human trail)
• Parade Rd -- my hit parade
• Pinion
• 411 Drive -- information please
• Stanley Canyon
• Deadman's Creek
• Heavy Loads -- armaments everywhere, including his exact plane type
• Waters High -- look above the USAFA and above Stanley Canyon
• Polaris
• Bell tower
• Sneed and Demeret -- Match at the golf course
• Oldes -- resting place
• We Will Remember Them -- cited by Dal, plays on the carillon
• Verdin castings -- google Fenn + Verdin.. that's who made the bells donated around the TC time
• 8.25 miles exactly from the Glenna Goodacre statue of Hap Arnold (General Solve, literally) to the Sante Fe trailhead -- 66k links
• Gardiner's island... the whole place was Charles Gardiner's sanitarium, not Ahab's.
• Woodmen road -- google benevolent society of Woodmen who owned the property -- Axe, Dove, Stump logo. Familiar?
• When Fenn was asked if somewhere in WY rang any bells he replies, "What do you mean by ringing bells?"
• Etc.
I've read a LOT of solves... I've never seen a single one that resolves to a place like all of these mentions from FF... and about 20 more.
What's more -- it makes sense. It is literally guarded 24/7 from everything -- fires, vagrants, onlookers, etc... while being completely open to the public for much of it's space. You can go out there and see no one for hours. And it's a very, very special place... quiet, serene, and beautiful.
Remember that old Spanish lock mechanism video on this site that Jenny posted? I believe that somewhere near that carillon there was a bronze commissioned that had a simple hidden mechanism. FF flew from his one favorite spot to his final spot... the last flight of forrest fenn, alone... went the canyon down, not far but too far to walk (he flew) and landed at an FBO nearby. Drove a sedan to the parking area of the USAFA cemetery where he shall return someday... and opened the hidden compartment, placed the chest in, and got the only food you can buy there publicly... oddly, a Subway sandwich.
He would know the chest is wet because bronze is cold to the touch, just like the statue of the Indian in Teachers with Ropes. But inside it would condensate... cool nights, sunny days... and rain down on the chest. Because of physics.
You would have to brave the cold... touch the bronze... just like those students in order to retrieve the chest.
Alas, I never did complete the whole poem... and never found that bronze. But it's under a canopy of stars alright... a giant US flag right nearby.