I thought ff said the blaze was one physical object.
I might be wrong.
Are you talking about the blaze of a arrow on the face of the horse.
Now what the picture shows me is a arrow pointing down towards the ground does this mean the blaze is on the ground.
Or is the arrow pointing at the noise and it is telling us the blaze is above noise level.
Mike, unless you can find a quote saying otherwise, I have never heard the word "physical" object there Mr. Fenn has said about the blaze:
What is the blaze "anything that stands out"
Is the Blaze one single object? “In a word – Yes.” f
the blaze can be found in the day without a flashlight.
"I doubt anyone will find the blaze before they have figured out the first clue."f
"Playing a hunch is not worth much in the search and those who start out by looking for the blaze, are wasting their time.f "
" there seems to be more attention paid to the blaze than to the first clue. "f
"Although many have tried, I doubt that anyone will find the blaze before they have figured out the first clue. f"
"You can’t go out looking for the blaze and expect to find the treasure chest. There’s 10 billion blazes out there. So you have to start with the first clue and let it take you to the blaze."
Does the blaze mean the treasure? "Not in my dictionary"f
Mr. Fenn: How far is the chest located from the blaze? "Casey, I did not take the measurement, but logic tells me that if you don’t know where the blaze is it really doesn’t matter. If you can find the blaze though, the answer to your question will be obvious. Does that help?" f
Mr. Fenn, Which direction does the Blaze face? North, South, East or West? Curious. Foxy "I didn’t take a radial off of the blaze Foxy. I’m thinking it may not be any of those directions. f”
I was just wondering. If I can find the blase, why should I worry about where warm waters halt? All I need to do is look “quickly down” like the poem says, and there is the treasure, right? ~ Philadelphia Franklin "That’s correct Philly, but that’s not a plausible scenario. If you can find a fish already on your hook you needn’t go fishing, right? Don’t force those kinds of aberrational thoughts on yourself or you’ll likely walk back to your car with a very light back pack. f"
"While it is not impossible to remove the blaze, it isn't feasible to try"
“A blaze can be on a tree, in a fire, on the face of a horse, and a host of others.”"Can the blaze be pre-determined by the poem or can it only be determined at the search area?- becky Becky, you are a rascal to ask that question and I have been sitting here for about fifteen minutes trying to decide what to say. Well, it has been thirty minutes now and I think I’ll pass on the question. Sorry.f" That’s correct Philly, but that’s not a plausible scenario. If you can find a fish already on your hook you needn’t go fishing, right?
Don’t force those kinds of aberrational thoughts on yourself or you’ll likely walk back to your car with a very light back pack. f
never said anything physical or otherwise about the baze.