That would mean that the first two clues will "have" to be a correct positive result before I even plan on botg. Costly other wise. It would have to be a solid confirmation for me to play the game. Can you imagine if "we" all
thought that way? No one would go out searching for FF secreted treasure chest and gold. And if "no one" on earth cared than FF wouldn't be in the spot light. I wonder how FF would feel about that? Not to make it sound
like a mean or unjustified comment. I like Mr. Fenn. What a cool guy and love all his stories. But just imagine if no one was motivated to buy his books and just had a print out of the poem with a good map laying around
their house. I saw something that motivated me to buy the books when I just did that. H20 = waters with just a google search of Flyhighway documentary and the words by Jack in the documentary saying the smell of
pines and sage on the rivers of the trout waters. My first investment and time (one week) was only $2.99 download to watch the documentary. Some anglers said the mountains are their church. That was my first solid
armchair clues. FF needed something to ignite the fire to get the seed planted in the minds of people for motivation. Is it the finding of the prize? The riches? The thrill? For someone who must get the attention of the
audience and have a controlled motivation of the public they would need a strong convincing idea. One that would light the fire under everyone's butt.
No guessing for this searcher. There has to be "something" that can give all of us a solid lead. Other wise why would we spend are time investment on the search? Rely on luck? Thinking it has a nice vacation is an excuse
imo to justify it.
What a great subject to thread!
Sorry will have to go back and edit my wordy thoughts. It's 4am and need to head out the door for a 3 mile run.