As others have pointed out WWWH may be understood as death i.e when blood(warm waters) stops flowing. Since Blanefield has also been equated with WWWH, it too may be equated with death. Thus Blanefield may be equated with both the beginning(WWWH) and the end(death).
Blanefield-> blaen de fil -> nib(W.) of thread(F.) -> bin of thread -> cist(W.) of nema(Gr.) -> chest of name -> name of chest -> Indulgence -> Ending Clue
This is consistent with the idea that Blanefield may also be equated the end (death)
Blanefield-> blaen de fil -> bin(W.) of thread(F.) -> cist(W.) of nema(Gr.) -> chest of name -> name of chest -> Indulgence -> ff's bronze chest -> DIA chest -> dia theke -> diatheke -> will
The above transformation supports the idea that Blanefield may be equated with will.
Blanefield-> blaen de fil -> end(W.) de thread(F.) -> den of nema(gr.) -> latibulum(L.) of name -> hiding place(L.) of name -> name of hiding place
Thus Blanefield may be equated with both "will" and the "hiding place". Thus is may be concluded that the hiding place of Indulgence is a "will".
This solution for the hiding place of Indulgence also answers the question as to how "title to the gold" is transferred - via a "will"
Since Blanefield has also been previously equated with both "Yellowstone"and "Somewhere in the Rocky Mountains North of Santa Fe" this idea for the hiding place is within the search area defined on the map.